LARE Grant Status 2023

LARE Grant Status 2023

LARE Grant Status 2023

Letter from DNR — February 2023

I’m contacting you to let you know that your association was not awarded a 2023 LARE grant for aquatic vegetation management.  However, we have a substantial amount of funding from your 2022 grant available that we can extend for use in 2023.

Please reply to me ASAP that you would like to extend the contract and I will submit the necessary paperwork.

The next step in this process is for you to sign the contract. You will receive an email notification a few weeks after I submit the paperwork, be sure to check your spam/junk folders.  It will have the steps you need to follow to complete the signing process.

Once the contract has been signed, you will be notified by email with a revised Purchase Order indicating that the grant has been extended and the project may commence.

I will be in contact with you regarding details of the project.

Rod Edgell
Aquatic Biologist - Lake & River Enhancement Program

Indiana Department of Natural Resources

To order LOW merchandise

Using the order from the Newsletter, provide the item number, quantity, and size.

If you need an order form, send us a message with email address. 

Contact Me

Office location

South Bend, Indiana

Send us an email

[email protected]